Friday, February 13, 2009

Love and Flag Football

Here is a nice article i found on gifts to give on any holiday to your flag football fan or player. Enjoy!

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Your Flag Football Obsessed Boyfriend
With flag football becoming a popular pastime among men in their twenties this holiday shopping list will be sure to please the football enthusiast in your life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Run da Ball - The art of the run in flag football


Flag Football is all about the wide open, misdirection passing game. So line play can be downright boring and frustrating. This is because you cant use your hands to block. In seven man screen flag football the screen is just what it says, you screen your blocker with your feet. Eight and nine man football is a little different you are able to full extend your arms and block. So you would think that when playing seven man why would you run the ball. The answer is simple, in seven man all defenses are looking for the pass. Some good teams from the start of the game will place Linebackers and safeties directly in most passing lanes. The run will keep them guessing and thinking, and we all know once a defense starts to think and not react it increasing the chances of the offense. So you ask what is the art of the run?. Here you go

The first thing you want to do is get in a two point stance with your feet about shoulder width apart. Placement of the feet is important. Running to the outside to the right you want to place your right foot forward with your left slightly back. This will allow a good seal screen once the play starts to help the runner get a quick jump to the outside. Even two yards matter in Flag Football. If running to the outside then it is left foot forward and right foot back.

The trick to this is when the play starts you have to move with short quick steps and place yourself in front of the oncoming rusher. If you followed the above foot placement then you should be in a position to either bump or limit the penetration of the rusher. Once in front of the rusher use your leverage and weight to guide or turn the blocker in the direction you want. The key here is to keep a slight bend to your stance and move into the blocker.

The greatest thing about the run is this, once the play goes forward and you provide a good block and most times the run will catch the defense off guard. This will open up the next most under used play/weapon on any flag football team. That is the pitch. Always run behind the runner providing an outlet for the pitch. So you can see playing the blocking position is not that bad

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Flag Football Drills

Welcome to 2009 and a new year of flag football. Recently i have searched the web for new topics and ideas for this blog. A couple of areas i am going to focus on in the new year are drills and fitness. Let me just say that flag football is a popular sport but it has no one central place to go for anything, I aim to fix that. So lets start this first post of the new year of talking about Flag Football Drills. Most of the Flag Football Drills i have found deal with the basics, Run, Pass, Tackle- or in the case of flag football pulling of the flag. Using google to search for the term Flag Football Drills i discovered a couple of good drills here . The author of the post goes into detail how each drill works to make your players better I will post one here that was authored by TPBFF .



Purpose: A flag football drill to develop running skills and avoid having the flag pulled.

Organization: Set out a 40 x 40-yard area. Place cones 2 yards apart to simulate a mini-end zone. Recommended for six pairs of players, the maximum number of kids is 20. If cones are not available, marks on the ground or floor, t-shirts, or tape can be used. Balls are optional.

Drill Outline:

* Pair players up - one as a RB and one as a DB. The DB is in back of the RB and chasing the RB from behind.
* RB's should carry a football (if available).
* Each RB starts off on the end line at either side of the playing area.
* The DBs start 5 yards behind the RBs.
* On the coach's whistle, the RBs attempt to cross through the mini-end zones without getting their flags pulled by the pursuing DBs.
* The DB must chase the RB.
* Both flags are pulled, RB is out. If one flag pulled, the RB keeps going.
* Any end zone can be crossed and there is no order in which the end zones have to be crossed.
* The drill lasts 45 seconds and then you switch RB's to DB and DB's to RB.

Progression: Shorten time to 30 seconds.

Coaching Points:

* RBs run plays with their heads up.
* DB watches the movement of RB's hips, not his/her head or shoulders.

Article Source:

Like i said over at the site there are more listed i am just posting the quality and ease of the drills. Enjoy. Above a found a video that shows a different various of the drill but still effective in training for the fast sport of flag football