Welcome to 2009 and a new year of flag football. Recently i have searched the web for new topics and ideas for this blog. A couple of areas i am going to focus on in the new year are drills and fitness. Let me just say that flag football is a popular sport but it has no one central place to go for anything, I aim to fix that. So lets start this first post of the new year of talking about Flag Football Drills. Most of the Flag Football Drills i have found deal with the basics, Run, Pass, Tackle- or in the case of flag football pulling of the flag. Using google to search for the term Flag Football Drills i discovered a couple of good drills here . The author of the post goes into detail how each drill works to make your players better I will post one here that was authored by TPBFF .
Purpose: A flag football drill to develop running skills and avoid having the flag pulled.
Organization: Set out a 40 x 40-yard area. Place cones 2 yards apart to simulate a mini-end zone. Recommended for six pairs of players, the maximum number of kids is 20. If cones are not available, marks on the ground or floor, t-shirts, or tape can be used. Balls are optional.
Drill Outline:
* Pair players up - one as a RB and one as a DB. The DB is in back of the RB and chasing the RB from behind.
* RB's should carry a football (if available).
* Each RB starts off on the end line at either side of the playing area.
* The DBs start 5 yards behind the RBs.
* On the coach's whistle, the RBs attempt to cross through the mini-end zones without getting their flags pulled by the pursuing DBs.
* The DB must chase the RB.
* Both flags are pulled, RB is out. If one flag pulled, the RB keeps going.
* Any end zone can be crossed and there is no order in which the end zones have to be crossed.
* The drill lasts 45 seconds and then you switch RB's to DB and DB's to RB.
Progression: Shorten time to 30 seconds.
Coaching Points:
* RBs run plays with their heads up.
* DB watches the movement of RB's hips, not his/her head or shoulders.
Article Source: http://www.sportspracticedrills.com/
Like i said over at the site there are more listed i am just posting the quality and ease of the drills. Enjoy. Above a found a video that shows a different various of the drill but still effective in training for the fast sport of flag football
1 comment:
Really nice! I'm always looking for some drills ...
Flag Football is also growing in germany, so may be we'll get someday as good as in usa ,-)
I hope you gonna post some more intersting stuff!
cu chris
p.s. maybe we see us at FACEBOOK
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